Why You Should Masturbate While Pregnant
Pregnancy can be full of unique experiences and the source of these experiences can usually be traced back to hormones. Surges of hormones such as estrogen, testosterones, and progesterone can be the reason you burst into tears over a cut picture on social media, but did you know that these surges in hormones' can also be responsible for heightened sexual urges. Just because you're creating life doesn't mean you can't cut loose and enjoy some self pleasure.
Masturbation during pregnancy is completely natural and many women experience a heightened sex drive, masturbation is a fantastic release. In addition to the great feel of masturbation it has multiple benefits! Now is the time to take advantage of your increased libido, and begin to pleasure yourself, here are a few reasons to start today.
Masturbating as a Stress Reliever
Life is stressful and when you add being pregnant to the mix, the stress load increases by multiples. During pregnancy increased stress is bound to happen but now is the time to take matters into your own hands. Masturbation is proven to aid with sleep, anxiety, and general mood. We suggest using an ergonomic vibrator wand like the Smartee from Voila. Medical grade silicone, easy reach handle - Smartee Delivers!

Masturbation is Safe While Pregnant
Many women find themselves second-guessing many daily decisions they make based on whether or not it is good for their baby, masturbation does not need to be one of those decisions. Orgasming during pregnancy is generally safe for most women, but always ensure that you properly clean your sex toys, and be sure to use plenty of lubrication.
Orgasms Improve Mood
One hormone that deserves praise is oxytocin. It's responsible for putting you in a good mood, and when you have an orgasm, oxytocin has a party in your brain. Oxytocin is also responsible for labor contractions, which is where the notion that sex in the third trimester can lead to preterm labor began. However, research on the connection between orgasms and labor induction is mixed, so if you don’t have any preterm labor risk factors, just sit back and enjoy that glorious mood.

Orgasms Are More Intense
If you thought a normal orgasm was amazing, your pregnancy climax just might send you over the pleasure edge. The increased amount of blood flowing to your genitals makes the right spots more sensitive, and the extra hormones in your body make pregnancy orgasms more intense. Because of this heightened pleasure there is no excuse not to start pleasuring yourself, now is the time to start experimenting.
Masturbation and Inducing Labor
The research is mixed on whether sexual activity can induce labor, but experts unanimously agree that orgasm is OK during pregnancy. “As of right now, there is no evidence that orgasm increases your risk of preterm labor,” says Robles. “With that said, we do know that nipple or genital stimulation can increase oxytocin levels in a woman, which is the hormone responsible for uterine contractions. The theoretical risk is there, but definitely not proven.”

Pregnant and Single... No Problem
Many women pregnant or otherwise are not in a partnered relationship. Those that are may find that their libido and their partner’s do not match. In some instances partners are timid about the topic of sex during pregnancy, due to false information or sometimes even sexual desire. Sometimes the best option is to take things into your own hands and chase that pleasure for yourself.